Concordia University
Originally hailing from the great city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania {the city with the most bridges in the world} ELLIOTT RAJNOVIC is an artist, writer and and scholar living and working in Montreal, Quebec. Working interdisciplinarily across visual media, design, art theory, writing, performance, public speaking, private speaking and teaching- he is endeavoring to think about it all, all at once. Intrigued by the notions of authority and knowledge transfer in both the pedagogical and medical systems, Elliott is thinking through patterns of normativity inspired by and perpetuated by the institutions of both the Academy and the Hospital. His current research and practice interests look to the role of creative and artistic output as methods and strategies of coping with, and resistance to, the reign of the medicinalized body and erasure of the soul. He is interested in work which confronts impressions of illness as transgression and/or retribution with a specific lens to discourses on the ‘un-well’. Elliott has been working as a researcher and designer for the Hybrid Bodies Project since 2015.