Margrit Shildrick



Professor of Gender and Knowledge Production at Linköping University

Adjunct Professor of Critical Disability Studies at York University, Toronto.

MARGRIT SHILDRICK is Professor of Gender and Knowledge Production at Linköping University, Sweden, and Adjunct Professor of Critial Disability Studies at York University, Toronto. Publications include Leaky Bodies and Boundaries:Feminism, (Bio)ethics and Postmodernism (Routledge, 1997), Embodying the Monster: Encounters with the Vulnerable Self (Sage, 2002) and Dangerous Discourses of Disability, Sexuality and Subjectivity (Palgrave, 2009), as well as several edited collections, and numerous articles. Shildrick defines herself as a body theorist, combining post- conventional philosophy, cultural studies, critical theory and psychoanalysis to investigate the question of corporeality.

Her major research centres on a longstanding project looking at questions of identity and intersubjectivity as expe- rienced by organ transplant recipients and those using various forms of prostheses, as well as exploring the effects of intersectional differences on bioethics and health. Other ongoing research projects revolve around disability and sexuality, and on the concepts of immunity and microchimerism as they operate in the medical humanities, specifically in Sweden on the interface of disability and structural and symbolic violence in a neoliberal context, particularly with regard to the expression of sexuality and the question of what sexual citizenship might mean